Saturday, July 5, 2014

Legitimate Points of View Regarding Greed and Hatred and Compassion

I believe that there are legitimate points of view than can be completely opposed to each other.

However this is theoretical. If I see a homeless person I do not automatically give him or her some coins or bills, but I am concerned about that person especially if I see that particular person regularly. I might call 311 - the NYC all purpose help line, or talk to a police officer in a patrol car.

Even so I remember from my college day that some believed that homelessness was a valid way of life, as is begging. I don't agree so I rarely give money to such folks. P. O. V.

On the other hand I like to think that I would never ever be at the root cause of anyone's homelessness.

On a larger scale there is a national movement to implement what I consider totally heartless policies by seemingly rabid people who hate President Obama, who hate any and every kind of social safety net including the various medical programs like "Obamacare" and Medicaid.

Case in point is the new Governor of Maine. I know nothing of the economics, governance or politics of Maine but I know that one of my friends is now hurting badly due to a group with enough power to have cut the benefits of 44,000 human beings who happen to be on Medicaid. One of my friends who is disabled due to a heart condition  is one of those 44,000.  I am beside myself.

Let me explain what this means in real dollars in a real life situation. A neighbor told me she uses insulin. She works for the CVS pharmacy chain. Recently CVS changed their medical insurance plan so while before my neighbor was paying about $30 a month for her insulin she now has to pay $350. CVS is already a lower paying employer but at least the health insurance coverage was pretty good. Where is she going to get an additional $320 a month in this economy with her education and experience? It makes no sense except the insurance company will pay out less but it will pass along a fraction of the savings to the CVS corporation. Shame on CVS. My POV. Yay CVS! The shareholders' POV, maybe.

Now consider the 44,000 people in Maine who are disabled or who are fixed income seniors or in dire straights for some reason. These people are now being stripped of all their medication because a  powerful group with more powerful backers elsewhere in the countty share a certain Point of View. A POV that at seems to me to be totally heartless and cruel and most certainly highly judgement of those 44,000 on Medicare. I like to see the amount the state of Maine hopes to save by doing this. I bet there are other ways to find the money. However my initial understanding is that Maine would have come out ahead financially if they just implemented the relevant proposals in Obamacare. So who has benefited from those cuts?  Who in Maine or elsewhere actually benefits from making those sick, disabled and low income people suffer even more? I don't understand why they would even accept that blood money. Please explain this to me. Is this what pure hatred and greed looks like?

Is their Point of View justified? Should it be accepted and tolerated? Can those 44,000 disabled and low income seniors mount a strong political campaign to change their new governor's position? Failing that, can they mount an even stronger movement to vote out out the governor and the state legislators that agreed with the governor? That would mean great persistence and patience and perhaps joining together with one or national movements whose goals include protecting and enhancing out safety nets and governmental mechanisms to giving a helping hand.

P. O. V. Really?

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